Sunday, June 23, 2013

Summer 2013 Check-In

Yo bros.  I was just wondering how everyone is doing...earlier today I realized that everyone on the blog is in a completely different place and idk if that's happened before in blog history.  Maybe it happened over winter break too?  Can't remember.  Anyways, it made me kinda bummed because I miss all of you.  I also have a lot of thoughts that I may or may not want to talk about, but after staring at this screen for five minutes trying to think of exactly how to get them out, I decided I just need to go to sleep.  This connects back to this thought/feeling that I'm not being as open as I want to be but fuck it, I have work in the morning and wouldn't want to embarrass myself by writing some stupid shit.  I'm right on the verge of a Solipsis Diary-type mind wandering right now, but I'm afraid this is the extent of it, because I really am going to sleep.

Make this week a good one, let's try to G-Hang sometime very soon.


  1. so a couple of jokes before i give my real response:
    1. Yeah I'll G-hang with your mom!
    2. Damn straight you are not as open as you want to be, we are not around to fuck!
    3. Yeah, that's about all I got.

    But really lets get on that g-chat soon and Josh you need to give me your number, just text me.

    From the email that you sent out, it seems like things are going mostly great which is awesome. At least you are getting paid to do what you want to do. I just started work at the ropes course which has been cool but Im not getting enough hours.

    Josh we need to talk more about the road trip because I'm leaning more towards a yes than a no.
