Thursday, January 2, 2014

I love you (part 3)

But the question remains? Where do I move after the bike trip? I definitely can't stay in Boston. I will soon have no friends here and as I explained about my Whistler in the Dark experience, I don't want to work in this town. So where to move.

It obviously comes down to this. New York or LA. And I gotta say, LA is really looking better and better. The big thing about New York is that, yes, it has the best theater artists in the world and the coolest theater is happening there. But I don't know anyone. I will have to start totally from scratch. A social tadpole. No friends, no work connections. Perhaps I'll get work, but it probably won't be for months. Moving to New York basically means knowing that I'm going to be real sad for 6 months.

And then there's LA... fucking LA. My only experience with LA is the summer I spent sleeping on Jesse's floor in Culver City. I definitely had an awesome time because I love Jesse, but the city sucked. But I need to face the fact that all of my closest friends live there. And they are working! And they will want to work and live with me!? And I'll be able to participate in a community of young artists trying to figure their shit out and get better. There isn't too much theater, but there is theater. And there is a lot of improv, and I could give working on film another try.

And the fucking cherry on top. Aaron, my older brother gave me a call the other day and was like, "Hey, just for the sake of asking, you don't want a car do you? I want to buy a new car and was gonna sell my old one, but do you want it?"

So that's it.