Thursday, June 16, 2011


It's 5:09 in the morning, and I slowly begin to stir awake. Holy shit, I've been asleep? How? It doesn't feel like I'm laying down, though...

I peel open my crusty eyes and my situation is revealed to me. The odd sensation I'm feeling is rooted in the fact that I am not actually sleeping lying down, but rather, sitting in my desk chair with my face on my desk.

More importantly, directly in front of my face is a garage bin full of my own vomit.

Holy shit, there are birds chirping outside.

I close my eyes and try to think. Alright, what the fuck the happened. I remember pre-gaming at the castle, and then going out, but the rest is blurry. After a few moments though, several scenes from last night flash back to me. 4 large beers. Fly like a G6. Intense game of pool with Jeremy. Rihanna. Received a free round of shots from the bartender because this is our last week. Took a hit from a fat joint outside the castle gates. Made out with Liz on the bridge. Made out with Liz on the stairs. Made out with Liz outside her room.

I slowly lift my head up. My computer is still asleep, so I wake it up. Porn. Porn? The site is still on the home page?
I look next to the computer to find a wad of unused tissues.
Oh goddammit. I came home, tried to masturbate because Liz said we were too fucked up, but couldn't follow through because I started puking.

Said Jeremy, "Yah, you came home super fucked up and frustrated. I left the room and skyped my girlfriend so you could beat it. I came back 20 minutes later and you were sleep/puking? I dunno, I just went to bed and let you do your thing"

Careful to avoid knocking over the puke basket, I climb up to my bed, and fell asleep while cradling my water bottle.


  1. lol in the future we should publish a book of these types of stories

  2. Variation on a familiar theme... well done Mr. Senator.

  3. thank you senators. im bringing the awesome room to europe.
