Thursday, June 23, 2011

I was bad... again.

So today I went to Taco Bell for an interview and i get there and the guy sits me down and he looks at my application. He then says "ohh, where do you go to school?" and I say "Emerson College" and he says "oh the one in manchester (a place in CT)" and I think fuck, I know he is probably not going to hire me if im going to be here for only two months, should I lie. And so I say "Yeaahh" in kind of the most non-agreeing way possible. And then he proceeds to tell me how he wants someone to be there for the long haul, that I'm an investment for the first month. And I'm like fucking jesus, what will I say once the summer is over and I have to go back to Emerson. But fuck it, its only taco bell. And then the shift leader comes to do a little bit more of an interviewe and she also asks where I go to college and I responded "Emerson College" but I noticed she was a little bit confused when she looked down at my application and saw that so when I said "Emerson College" I also added a thumb point over my back, meaning that it's close by and then she kind of has a pause and eeps going with the interview where she proceeds to ask me "So how much wil I be able to work once the school year begins?" and I say "Well I would have to see what my schedule looks like but it can't be much, definitely part-time." And then she is like ok, we are going to hire you. So I got hired at Taco Bell. That all on its own sucks but I also feel SOOOOOOO bad that I lied to them straight to their face. I have been trying to figure out how bad that lie was and my dad says that it was pretty bad and my mom says that it's ok. What do you guys think? Should I not even take this job because they will be so pissed when I leave? I was thinking that at the end of the summer I will just tell them look "I have a lot of classes, I found this job closer to school that pays better (JVS) so I have to go, I'm sorry." Is this too fucked up? I NEED money, and this need makes you do a lot of things you never thought you would. Should I just kill myself? Please help me out. I don't know what to think.


  1. arooooofffff!
    nice work. get some, yo. just make sure that you "start" school at least 2 weeks before you actually start so that you have sufficient part time to say that school is getting to tough and they will believe you. know what i mean?
    you better replace all that sour cream with some homemade sour cream... hehehe

  2. wow i didnt notice how long that ran. my bad.

  3. it depends if you want to live in a sitcom for a couple months. in the sitcom, the protagonist constantly gets asked questions about their lie, then has to think of quicker and usually dumber lies, before their secret is inevitably revealed by an ignorant friend of the protagonist who shows up to work and spills the beans. either way, dont expect to last more than half an hour. counting commercial breaks.

  4. You're doing the right thing Argentina. Fuck Taco Bell (calling you an investment!) How could you be an investment for the first month? Take that job and prove you wont loose them money.

  5. This is like when I lied and said I read Fable so I could be Casting Director. And that worked out great! Fable's great, right? Taco's are worth it, you did the right thing. (Am I allowed to comment on this blog? I'm a girl. I miss you guys. I'm sorry. I'll leave.)

  6. Who the shit is PARKER!?!?!?!?! I'll take everything she said and do the complete opposite. No way I'm falling for this.
