Monday, June 13, 2011


I drank, I browned out, then un-browned out all in one night. I didn't know that was possible. It was because our flight back to the Netherlands was at 7am, so we started drinking at 11pm, I became drunk as shit from about 1:30-3:30, and got sober, and went to the airport.

I stayed up all night, so I had time to un-brown out. But there is two hours of the night that is super hazy.

A professional Soccer player signed my arm during that time, apparently.

Oh, and Argentina, I went to the Guinness Brewery. I know you love Bailey's, can't remember if you like Guinness, but the Guinness there tasted bomb. Don't you like Guinness? Am I making that shit up right now?

Fuck you guys.


  1. I felt the same about this post as i did about the cat vid.

  2. so you've fallen in love with me, adrian?

  3. Fuck off, thats by far my favorite beer. God damn you. Did you do some Irish car bombs, I hope so. Also you don't know signed your arm?

  4. no i don't know who signed my arm. The signature is unreadable, and its already washed off any way. Sorry bro.
