Thursday, June 30, 2011
Adrian's picto blog of the week... NOT!

Wednesday, June 29, 2011
Kristen Can Comment on the Blog?!
Kristen can comment on the blog!? How did she get on the blog? Who let her into the blog? Did somebody leave the blog open and she just walked right into the blog? I don't think I feel safe in this blog anymore. Guys, I'm leaving the blog.
It's in shambles. I'm a group leader, meaning I am running a group of children. We are the Soph B Bromance. It's fucking Bromantic as shit. But camp is not all so well. The pool is still not open. They put all this work on one guy and it's not working out. Staff morale is at an all time low. I don't even know anymore. GAH. I'm a little drunk and I hate my boss. FUCK FUCK FUCK. I gotta pee. Kbyeeeeee.
Monday, June 27, 2011
So I havent been online since my last post...
and what the fuck is everyone doing? Post your shit people. Goddammit. You guys are the only people I give a shit about keeping up with. and then i log in and get nothing? fucking bullshit. goddammit
Thursday, June 23, 2011
I'm tired, sweaty, and confused as I walk over one of the many bridges crossing the Seine. Fuck. I need to get to the airport shuttle station in the next 15 minutes if I'm going to make my flight. I'm pretty sure I'm going the right way, but I'm not be totally sure.
In the sweltering heat, I pull out my map and unfold it, laying it out on the railing on the bridge. As I'm in looking over the map, a local Parisian strolls up. "Hello! Where are you trying going to now? Can help?"
Well would you look at that. A friendly local trying to help a brotha out. "Airport shuttle? Do you know what it is?"
"Oh!" He points. "Just over there!"
Oh thank god. I'm only a couple minutes away. I'm gonna make it.
"Thank you so much man, I appreciate it!"
"No worries, no worries!" The local begins to laugh, rather loudly and awkwardly. I join him laughing, trying to be nice, when all of a sudden...
I stop laughing. "What?"
The man becomes straight-faced as shit. "Ghanga?!", he says intensely and solemnly.
"Uhhhhh... well, I mean, yes, I smoke, but I'm about to get on a plane, and they will security check me and find it. No thank you." He doesn't understand. I try again, using hand signals and facial expressions. Now he gets it.
"Well, well, well, well, well, well... OK OK!" The man strolls off down the bridge, laughing.
I made the plane, and now I'm in Prague.
In the sweltering heat, I pull out my map and unfold it, laying it out on the railing on the bridge. As I'm in looking over the map, a local Parisian strolls up. "Hello! Where are you trying going to now? Can help?"
Well would you look at that. A friendly local trying to help a brotha out. "Airport shuttle? Do you know what it is?"
"Oh!" He points. "Just over there!"
Oh thank god. I'm only a couple minutes away. I'm gonna make it.
"Thank you so much man, I appreciate it!"
"No worries, no worries!" The local begins to laugh, rather loudly and awkwardly. I join him laughing, trying to be nice, when all of a sudden...
I stop laughing. "What?"
The man becomes straight-faced as shit. "Ghanga?!", he says intensely and solemnly.
"Uhhhhh... well, I mean, yes, I smoke, but I'm about to get on a plane, and they will security check me and find it. No thank you." He doesn't understand. I try again, using hand signals and facial expressions. Now he gets it.
"Well, well, well, well, well, well... OK OK!" The man strolls off down the bridge, laughing.
I made the plane, and now I'm in Prague.
I was bad... again.
So today I went to Taco Bell for an interview and i get there and the guy sits me down and he looks at my application. He then says "ohh, where do you go to school?" and I say "Emerson College" and he says "oh the one in manchester (a place in CT)" and I think fuck, I know he is probably not going to hire me if im going to be here for only two months, should I lie. And so I say "Yeaahh" in kind of the most non-agreeing way possible. And then he proceeds to tell me how he wants someone to be there for the long haul, that I'm an investment for the first month. And I'm like fucking jesus, what will I say once the summer is over and I have to go back to Emerson. But fuck it, its only taco bell. And then the shift leader comes to do a little bit more of an interviewe and she also asks where I go to college and I responded "Emerson College" but I noticed she was a little bit confused when she looked down at my application and saw that so when I said "Emerson College" I also added a thumb point over my back, meaning that it's close by and then she kind of has a pause and eeps going with the interview where she proceeds to ask me "So how much wil I be able to work once the school year begins?" and I say "Well I would have to see what my schedule looks like but it can't be much, definitely part-time." And then she is like ok, we are going to hire you. So I got hired at Taco Bell. That all on its own sucks but I also feel SOOOOOOO bad that I lied to them straight to their face. I have been trying to figure out how bad that lie was and my dad says that it was pretty bad and my mom says that it's ok. What do you guys think? Should I not even take this job because they will be so pissed when I leave? I was thinking that at the end of the summer I will just tell them look "I have a lot of classes, I found this job closer to school that pays better (JVS) so I have to go, I'm sorry." Is this too fucked up? I NEED money, and this need makes you do a lot of things you never thought you would. Should I just kill myself? Please help me out. I don't know what to think.
Monday, June 20, 2011
Move into my apartment. Chill. Crazy girl trying to extort money from me. Threatens to kick me out. Flee apartment. Go North. Chill. Watch "Once Upon a Time in the West". Go to work. Stay with Ellen and Melina. I no longer have an apartment for the summer. Fuck.
(Now I drink)
(Now I drink)
Friday, June 17, 2011
by the way
everyone here says "mr. senator" now. including all 16 students, castle staff, and kitchen staff. this morning i watched a girl go for the last eggroll, and her friend exclaimed, "Senator, Please!!!"
bringing the awesome room to europe
Thursday, June 16, 2011
It's 5:09 in the morning, and I slowly begin to stir awake. Holy shit, I've been asleep? How? It doesn't feel like I'm laying down, though...
I peel open my crusty eyes and my situation is revealed to me. The odd sensation I'm feeling is rooted in the fact that I am not actually sleeping lying down, but rather, sitting in my desk chair with my face on my desk.
More importantly, directly in front of my face is a garage bin full of my own vomit.
Holy shit, there are birds chirping outside.
I close my eyes and try to think. Alright, what the fuck the happened. I remember pre-gaming at the castle, and then going out, but the rest is blurry. After a few moments though, several scenes from last night flash back to me. 4 large beers. Fly like a G6. Intense game of pool with Jeremy. Rihanna. Received a free round of shots from the bartender because this is our last week. Took a hit from a fat joint outside the castle gates. Made out with Liz on the bridge. Made out with Liz on the stairs. Made out with Liz outside her room.
I slowly lift my head up. My computer is still asleep, so I wake it up. Porn. Porn? The site is still on the home page?
I look next to the computer to find a wad of unused tissues.
Oh goddammit. I came home, tried to masturbate because Liz said we were too fucked up, but couldn't follow through because I started puking.
Said Jeremy, "Yah, you came home super fucked up and frustrated. I left the room and skyped my girlfriend so you could beat it. I came back 20 minutes later and you were sleep/puking? I dunno, I just went to bed and let you do your thing"
Careful to avoid knocking over the puke basket, I climb up to my bed, and fell asleep while cradling my water bottle.
Wednesday, June 15, 2011
what I've been up to
fucking NOTHING. So i haven't posted in a long time and that's because I don't have much to say. I have been hanging out with friends, playing some basketball, reading a producing book and watching tv. To make this post a little bit interesting, I guess I will talk about the last three movies that I watched. The last three were: Biutiful, Enter the Void, and Dr. Strangelove. Read if you would like, it's waaay too long. I would suggest reading other better reviews written by people who actually have a lot of knowledge of films. But it's w.e.
Biutiful was good but depresing throughout. There wasn't much arc in the characters and that bothered me. But don't get me wrong, I still liked it.
Enter the Void was good but only for so long. Like it was just fucking hard to watch, like too many colors, too much movement of the camera, and I was just like just fucking stop. I know the director had a reason for it but you have to come to a point where you just gotta say, alright i proved my point, and now I will stop. But no, this director also directed Irreversible (which I heard is one of the most fucked up movies ever, extremely gory) and this makes me want to kill him. Like this is the type of guy I would want to beat the shit out of. Fuck you for showing us this and I know he thinks he is better than us for doing it. What is the point of showing us what rape is really like? Like I don't want to see that, that is straight up nuts. To me, there is no art in that. What do people get out of seeing a movie like that? Anyways, I think half of Enter the Void was transitions from one place to another.
I really like Dr. Strangelove though. It was quite clever and I enjoyed it quite a lot. As for 2001: A Space Odyssey, I didnt like so much. I just dont know what happened, and I hate when directors just don't give an answer when they are asked to explain it because they say that we need to come to our own conclusions. Like I think the only reason why this movie is considered one of the all-time greats is because Stanley Kubrick has his name on it. No movie with endings like that has ever gotten notoriety unless a well-known person has been behind it and therefore we give it more credit than it deserves.
I should make my own top 100 list because whoever put 2001 as number 22 is definitely an idiot. They probably never studied films.
This is seriously all i could post because I have nothing else that is interesting going on in my life. I'm really sorry about this.
Biutiful was good but depresing throughout. There wasn't much arc in the characters and that bothered me. But don't get me wrong, I still liked it.
Enter the Void was good but only for so long. Like it was just fucking hard to watch, like too many colors, too much movement of the camera, and I was just like just fucking stop. I know the director had a reason for it but you have to come to a point where you just gotta say, alright i proved my point, and now I will stop. But no, this director also directed Irreversible (which I heard is one of the most fucked up movies ever, extremely gory) and this makes me want to kill him. Like this is the type of guy I would want to beat the shit out of. Fuck you for showing us this and I know he thinks he is better than us for doing it. What is the point of showing us what rape is really like? Like I don't want to see that, that is straight up nuts. To me, there is no art in that. What do people get out of seeing a movie like that? Anyways, I think half of Enter the Void was transitions from one place to another.
I really like Dr. Strangelove though. It was quite clever and I enjoyed it quite a lot. As for 2001: A Space Odyssey, I didnt like so much. I just dont know what happened, and I hate when directors just don't give an answer when they are asked to explain it because they say that we need to come to our own conclusions. Like I think the only reason why this movie is considered one of the all-time greats is because Stanley Kubrick has his name on it. No movie with endings like that has ever gotten notoriety unless a well-known person has been behind it and therefore we give it more credit than it deserves.
I should make my own top 100 list because whoever put 2001 as number 22 is definitely an idiot. They probably never studied films.
This is seriously all i could post because I have nothing else that is interesting going on in my life. I'm really sorry about this.
I Need Music
I need music. I'm working as an office pa and they have me doing a shit ton of runs. (A run is when I go and drop something off or pick something up or jerk someone off or put something up my) Today I drove 71 miles. That's a lot of time in the car. I have my ipod hooked up but I need some new albums to listen to (full albums would be best). If you can suggest some or refer me to a place where I can get some or send me some or help me get some [poontang] that would be awesome [room] [blog].
Monday, June 13, 2011
I drank, I browned out, then un-browned out all in one night. I didn't know that was possible. It was because our flight back to the Netherlands was at 7am, so we started drinking at 11pm, I became drunk as shit from about 1:30-3:30, and got sober, and went to the airport.
I stayed up all night, so I had time to un-brown out. But there is two hours of the night that is super hazy.
A professional Soccer player signed my arm during that time, apparently.
Oh, and Argentina, I went to the Guinness Brewery. I know you love Bailey's, can't remember if you like Guinness, but the Guinness there tasted bomb. Don't you like Guinness? Am I making that shit up right now?
Fuck you guys.
Sunday, June 12, 2011
Adrian's Picto-blog of the week: 6/13/11

I want to know more about what everyone is doing. I know that Joe is being a Europe-douché, and that Jesse and Scott are legally declared bird, so I guess that leaves Adrian and Josh. And John if he hasnt killed himself yet. What's up guys?
Tuesday, June 7, 2011
Bird Sightings
Since arriving in the Los Angeles Area, little has been seen or heard from friends, Jesse Sperling and Scott Ray. The only documentation that has been found are these two photographs, taken at an unknown time and an unknown location. News Channel 6 will keep you updated with this story as is progresses. We can only hope that these young men have not been absorbed into the ornithological underground of the West Side.
If you have any information on the whereabouts of these individuals, please call:
(310) DOUBT-IT
....suck my ass
Sunday, June 5, 2011
Adrian's picto-blog of the last two weeks: 6/5/11

-standing in rain for 10 minutes being pestered by police after being caught taking a walk in the outside at nighttime
-being on a boat in the boston harbor
-spending day looking forward to game 7 of closely followed playoff series, only to take a nap 2 hours beforehand and sleep through entirety of game
-sitting at a documentary production office for 8 hours transcribing an interview
-getting a moderately accomplished but completely unknown documentary filmmaker to know my name/who i am
-attempting to save a baby bird that fell out of its nest
-successfully hiding from angry mama bird in garage
-getting a free Cumberland Farms Chillzone (a slushy)
-buying two $4 movie tickets on Groupon
-finding out how terrified of heights i am when painting exterior of house
-watching friend stand up after accidental nap and immediately fall over because leg was completely numb
-inventing "lawn chair soccer," a sport in which a bunch of full and lazy people in lawnchairs kick a soccerball back and forth
-finding out that weed butter exists
I didn't get raped in Germany
Sorry bout that dudes, i know im letting you down.
So I wanna write a massive update, but I don't know how to essentially summarize 10 days of traveling. uhhhhhh.
So I went to Florence. That was fucking sick. My professors by all of us alcohol about every day, and get drunk with us.
Venice was beautiful, but there was just to many fucking people. Saw some amazing shit though. One night we all went to the beach, I drank an entire bottle of wine, and apparently i tried to do a dozen handstands and fell every time. I don't remember that at all.
Koln was super cool. Didn't get raped in my hostel. climbed a lot of shit, rented bike (didnt get thrown anywhere).
Koblenz was fucking awesome, just because of the dudes i stayed with. They bought me pizza, we all went out for drinks, and we all watched arrested development. They told me that the German perception of Americans is that we just walk around saying "fucking awesome" all the time. whenever i would say it they would rag on me super hard like, you fucking american.
Im going to Amsterdam tomorrow. Going to see a sex show
I miss everyone
ya, what the fuck, is jesse and scott dead?
Thursday, June 2, 2011
where you at?
Has anyone heard from Scott or Jesse since they got to LA? Are they dead? Is anyone alive? Am I alive? Is Adrian a bear? Is joe on Earth? has john fucked more girls? Is my dick black? Has jesse grown a beard? Is Scott happy about the mavericks winning tonight? Am I lost? Am I part of the show LOST? Did the rapture happen and I didn't notice? Is this funny? I don't think so so I will stop right there.
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