I'm not really sure how many people I have told the poop dream story to but I'll just do a little recap before I get to my actual story.
As you all know I have had some really weird dreams throughout the years, mostly sexual and erotic and weirdly violent. But the dream that I had on one night in Los Angeles was just plain strange. It began when I was making my way to my front row tickets to a basketball game. It was two of my friends (I cant remember exactly who) and I and we were all enjoying the game when I got the sudden urge to poop. Hmmm I thought, I need to poop. I guess I will take a shit right here on the court because thats what you do when you have to take a shit. So I then made the decision to take a poop on the court. The deed is done and life seems to go on as always. Next thing I know though, one of my friends asks me, "yo did you just take a shit on the floor," to which I confidently responded, "Yes, yes I did." He was stunned so he proceeded to explain to me that I should have gone to the bathroom to do that. I then realized that he was right but what the fuck was I going to do, I mean the shit was already on the floor. I got very self-conscious and embarrassed as more people began to notice and say shit to me to the point where I finally woke up.
I didn't want to think much of it since I have had some fucked up dreams before but this one still stood out. Then last night, it happened again, not the same dream but the same set-up.
This time I was at a beach with my whole family. My parents were there, my brothers were there, my cousins from argentina were there. Pretty good start to a dream, if I can say so myself, but things got ugly quick. I was chilling on my beach chair talking to some family members when it happened again, I gots to poop. My next thought was therefore where shall I take this shit to which I responded, right here in my bathing suit. Fuck it, soon enough shit was in my bathing suit. But it must have been less than a minute before one of my uncles come over and notices. "Adrian, did you just take a shit in your bathing suit" "Yeah." And on came all the jokes. Everyone seemingly stopped what they were doing to either make fun of me or try to understand what had happened. I tried to play it off as if there was no shit because it magically disappeared or something but it didn't work. Again, I was extremely embarrassed and could not get out of the situation until I woke up.
In conclusion, I hope this does not become a reocurring dream. It's absolutely no fun even though it's funny when I think back on it. This would definitely become the single weirdest reocurring dream of my life. I don't know what to do? Maybe I should take more shits before I go to sleep so Im not thinking about it, I dont know I have to do something. Guys, I need your help.
your subconscience is trying to tell you that you're an asshole, perhaps?