Sunday, May 19, 2013

I Also Took A Trip Part C: Drug Dependency

This is something I've been contemplating for a while, and as such I brought it up and talked about it during the trip, and it's still on my mind now.  Because there is a paradox here that deserves exploration.  Basically the thing is this: whenever we party, or hang out, it's almost always funner when there's weed and/or alcohol, and of course in this case shrooms.  Sometimes this bugs me.  During the trip I could bring up literally anything on my mind and explore it and talk it out with my friends.  Why can't I do this normally?  I think maybe the reason I don't is because I have inhibitions that make me worry about other people's judgement of me if I bring up certain thoughts or ideas, or say certain things.  So I end up struggling to find anything interesting to say, and sometimes my thoughts are going through a filter.  And of course I don't know for sure, but I get the sense that a lot of other people definitely do this too. (We all know the difference between an unfiltered drunk person and a filtered regular person.)  So this leaves me with this image of a bunch of people going around, having all these thoughts, and theyre afraid to share them because they think they'll be judged, so they're stuck with all their thoughts just circling and building in their own heads. And this could of course just be me projecting myself onto others but whatever.  The point is that people put up walls, and that drugs have this power to totally remove these walls.  So in this way of looking at it, drugs are a tool that wouldn't be so necessary if we didn't let our fear of judgement silence us.

But at the same time, in the case of weed and shrooms, these are just things that grow in the ground.  They just grow naturally, and when you put them inside you, you feel more understanding and/or happy.  So why would this be wrong?  And maybe putting up walls is just how the human brain operates naturally in our environment, and these natural substances can give us this power to see these walls and to break through them.

Anyways, I'd like to know what y'all think about this, because I feel like I could be completely off base and just projecting my own issues of worrying what others think of me onto everyone else.  In which case I'd like to know.  This was something else we talked about a lot; projecting our own artificial images onto other people, maybe in our desire to connect more, maybe other times to feel superior to others.  And we sometimes do this instead of allowing ourselves to see people as what they truly are.  Anyways I think I need to talk to/really listen to people more to flesh out this idea.


  1. I was reading this article and number four kinda speaks to some of what you were saying.

  2. yeah i read that yesterday, noticed the same thing. is this only an american thing? thats annoying.
