So I need y'alls' advice.
I have a friend at school and he has a script. He claims he wants all of us (my friend group around Emerson and my apartment) to help him fulfill his dream of making said film together.
He has had a lot of struggles and suffers from Bi-Polar Disorder and ADD.
I want to make this film. It's a blackslpoitation film and he has written all of his close friends a part in the movie. I want to DP this because it sounds like a grand fucking time.
That being said, he doesn't want my help. He's very cold towards me even though all I want to do is help. Even my friend Paige, who is supposed to DP it, wants me to DP it.
He wants it to be fun. And fun can still be had. But an ounce of seriousness could make this go from a waste of time to a fully realized idea. I don't have the time to be making this film for shits and giggles on weekends with friends.
It doesn't have to be submitted to festivals and it's not for classes, but I would love to be able to help perpetuate a project my friend group here will be proud of.
Do I voice my opinion about how this could go and what we would need to do when we have a "production meeting" this weekend? Do I go Douche City and give an ultimatum and walk out on it? At this point, it will never get made. I want it to get made.
What is the best way to go about getting my friends to be more serious about this project and also helping me perpetuate, DP, and add Black Wolf: Out For Blood onto my resume and reel?
idk can you just tell him what you just told us?
ReplyDeleteI'm gonna. My girlfriend has me scared because she thinks no one else will take it as seriously as I want to.