Friday, August 19, 2011

yes, but

i still think we should cancel it. our place is not a big party place. it is an excellent '20 buds hanging out getting drunk place'. we can't throw a rager. and i disagree with the idea that we can't cancel it because people would still come anyways? if i "message guests" and explain to everyone that i made a mistake, we aren't prepared to host 70 people, and that the party is off, people will understand. and if they don't understand, they can suck my balls. and how will they still show up? the party is scheduled for like 2 weeks from now. thats 2 weeks of people/us spreading the word that the party isn't happening.

and besides i will also tell everyone that, look if any one else wants to host this badboy, then do it, because you have 70 people down and ready to party on friday. clearly, everyone wants to party, but we just aren't the people to do it.

i don't want to speak for everyone here, but do we really want fucking atleast 40 people in our place? that is a fuck load of people. that just isn't fun for anyone. im not down for it

and does no one care about our relationship with our neighbors/landlord? police. police. police. and the fucking police never give a shit about who is partying, but who is throwing the party. they will take down all of our information super hard.

so yes. joseph fucked up. fuck joe fuck joe fuck joe. whatever. im contacting people right now that i know have bigger places than us, and if i don't have any luck, I am going to message everyone that the party isn't happening and why.

1 comment:

  1. my dick went from almost ejaculation to limp in .00001 seconds. wtf. w.e. i just want to hang out and party with some cool people and by cool people i mean people with dicks that we know.
