Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Wow i miss you guys so much. I just scrolled through every post I've missed and you guys make me wanna just hump this fucking airmattress.

I just flew in from Nicaragua last night and a very sleepy Jesse picked me up. Crashed here and now it's 8:45 in the morning, Jesse is still sleeping, but I am about to wake that mother fucker up so I can take him to breakfast and then go to the airport to fly back to Atlanta.

Nicaragua was amazing. Wonderful experience. High lights include building a house, going to dinner with the family we were building it for. Getting drunk on the beach. Climbing and jumping off a volcano. Went to a Nicaraguan baseball game, which was the funniest fucking shit I've ever seen. They would have to hold the game every 8 or 9 minutes so they could physically kick a wild dog or a chicken off of the field. Wild chickens and dogs are fucking everywhere. Most mornings I would wake up which a fat chicken looking at me. Participated in a Nicaraguan national holiday where they not only shoot off fire works, but people in giant wooden shells with fireworks strapped on run into the packed crowd and its "fun" to dodge fireworks. Children would run up to them, daring to get as close as possible, like it is a prideful thing, while some of them fucking got hit with fireworks. Meanwhile kids are doing this tricker treating like thing where you run around the city and shove you hand through peoples barred windows, you say a complicated dialogue about mother mary, and a mysterious hand reaches out off the darkness to give you candy. Fucking nuts.

I wish I was funny and witty right now, but Im not. There are more funny dumb thing Ill say later. Jesse and I are going to breakfast

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