Being on a drive thru can be pretty stressful sometimes. When there is a big rush, it can be a pretty hard job. But anyways, in the late hours the last couple of days, I have had quite the weird people drive by.
First, this guy asked me directions to the "Ultra Violet" strip club which is a club around town that is absolutely horrible (never been but that's what I have heard). Weird part is that that means that he is not from around town which means that he drove out to get to this place. Also weird that he would have no shame in telling me that he is going there. I don't know but if i were to go to a strip club i wouldn't tell anyone other than my close friends.
Next, these drunk women (probably in their mid 30s) drove up and the one in the passenger seat kept asking me "Are camel toes hot?" while her friend kept saying, "Don't answer that, don't mind her." So I just gave her an awkward look and didn't respond. She just kept asking too. My real answer would have been "Of course, as long as it's a hot girl who has it."
Then, the other night, this bitch drives up (sober) makes her order, it was a steak quesadilla, then she drives up to the window and tells me "Ohh, can I have sour cream with that?" and I say nicely "It's an extra 30 cents for sour cream"
Her, "Ohh, but it's raining right now and you should have asked me about it before so..."
First of all, I wanted to kill her. and this is what I wanted to say to her. "Don't tell me how to do my job you bitch, you want me to ask you about guacamole, fiesta salsa, nacho cheese, volcano sauce, etc. Fuck you, you tell me what you want. Second of all, ohh, it's raining. Fuck taco bell, why the fuck did you make it rain again?? ohh wait, fuck we don't control that shit. It's just something that happens, so go give God a blow job or something and maybe he will make it stop. By the way, his dick is probably huge so have fun with that. Now, either pay the 30 cents or shut the fuck up."
INSTEAD, since I'm so polite I turned to my manager told him about it and he proceeded to tell her, "sorry m'am but it's going to be an extra 30 cents for sour cream." And she responds "Ohh, well I don't like your attitude. So no, never mind."
The manager and I both looked at each other and where like what the fuck was that. So I grab her order and hand it out and she has THE NERVE to say, "Well how much do you guys make? Like 8$ an hour. I make 14$ an hour so fuck you." and then proceeds to drive off.
I kinda wanted to punch her in the face and tell her look, "I'm sorry that you probably hate your job even though you make 14$ an hour, which is really not that much so don't brag about it, and I know you probably just had a bad day at work. But don't take it out on me, the fucking person who makes 8 an hour and works nights and really doesn't have much pity for you, and who takes your shit for no reason. Now here are three dimes (pointing at me and my two co-workers) and here is our sour cream (as we jizz all over her food). "
you guys have run into some huge bitches this summer