Friday, August 19, 2011


I'm just making sure people saw what jesse said. Party is on.


  1. now i dont want to be a douche, but it seems like jesse didn't actually say anything all. it was essentially "make less people come". he is just a very persuasive sloth. any way who cares, i found two other hosts

  2. I mainly said: not as many will come as you think, offered some ways you might be able to cut down on people, suggested that if it gets crazy you are allowed to kick people out, and suggested that everyone should be hyped about a huge party not bummed. But it is true, I am a persuasive sloth.

    Also, I got really hyped on how excited argentina seemed in his last two posts, even though I wont be there. And I'm really happy that the party still appears to be on.

  3. damn it ok. this is just a roller coaster of emotions. im up, down, up, down. fuck. i just really want to hang out with some cool people, if that happens then it's all good.
