Friday, December 20, 2013

Why I love you all

Adrian: You're as dumb as you are smart. And you're one of the smartest people I know.

Jesse: You do what you want, because fuck the police. And by "police" I mean arbitrary concepts of normality based on perceived social constructs.

Scott: Underneath your hard shell of douche lies a soft Texas heart.

Joe: You may be a gay actor, but you're a straight shooter. Blog more.

Josh: Your angsty enthusiasm provides a life lens that colors the universe with a really cool metaphor that I can't quite finish right

John: You're smart without the dumb, hard without the soft, and straight without the gay. But when duty calls, you're as dumb, soft, and gay as they come. Happy birthday, hope you happen to read this sometime.

1 comment:

  1. This is absolutely spot on and beautiful. I will blog my shit tomorrow hopefully. I definitely want this to stay up here for a little bit though.
