Tuesday, December 24, 2013

Congratulations, bro

Looks like one of us finally made the big time


  1. If you douche, you are going to get douched on. It's simple physics, really.

    1. I'm not being a douche. I just don't want my linkedin to say "Unemployed Homeless Man Couchsurfing his way to Fame".

    2. haha nahh, i was more commenting on you douching on scott for fantasy and just general douching.

    3. lol this wasnt really meant to be a douche, i just got a linked in email prompting me to congratulate josh on his new job, and i was like oh josh got a job? then this made me laugh, so i guess yeah maybe it was a douche but whatever makes sense for you to put that and makes sense for me to laugh about the email. fuck h8ers.
