Thursday, February 28, 2013

What up scumbags

Senators! Senators, please, settle down! Sena... SENATORS!

Thank you.

Apologizes for my brief absence. I'm in rehearsal for my one-man show right now, and I've got rehearsals every night from 7-11pm. The only time I really have off are monday and wednesday afternoons, and I just end up napping in the library.

Josh told me everyone google hangouted?! Fuck! I think Josh said it Monday night, and I was in rehearsal.

Scott! I got your voicemail! Yes, I can mail you your security re-imbursement money. Just post or text me your mailing address and I'll send you a check.

Just to keep everyone updated, I've been spending my last couple weeks really racking my brain trying to figure out my post graduation plan. My plan, as of now, is to stay in boston all summer and the entire fall (working, bartending, auditioning, music, improvising, frisbeeing, drinking), and then move to NYC around the new year, January 2014, and be there for the prime audition season (february - april). A ton of shit needs to get worked out in order to make that happen, but its a sketch. Also, I'd like to try and figure out a way to get out to LA for a week and see everyone. Maybe around september? october?

I'm going to go now to an audition for a professional touring ensemble that will perform "Midsummer Night's Dream" and "Great Expectations" in middle schools and high schools all around New England for 2 and half months. Do you guys think I'm cool?


  1. yo dawg!! we miss you out here, we need more of your goofy improv. itd be cool if we could google hangout sometime but you sound busy as balls. how is the one man show going? also new york sounds crazy. not that its actually crazy, i just think its crazy that we're graduating college and going our separate ways kinda. that shit is nuts. anyways, hope all is good-vibes in boston.

  2. ps: ur not cool yet, keep working at it u'll get there
