Monday, July 4, 2011

holy shit its the 4th of july

i forgot. because no one gives a shit about the American Independence in the land of swiss. im flying back state side in 2 days, with tons of stories, pictures, and back on facebook.

jesse, how is it at melinas? should i still go? are they near anything cool? like can i walk or skate places, or do i need melina or ellen to drive me places, cause that sucks dick.

uhhh just general update, trying to be a dick and make you guys jealous and shit. i went to a 5 story club in prague with a bunch of germans and got harassed by the police. I went spelunking (caving) in budapest, and went to a local music concert, where they had something that was like rhode island pissa, except it was next level. (this keyboard doesnt have the last letter of the alphabet). 2 days ago, in Interlaken, I went paragliding, and it was the fucking coolest thing ever. i sat on a glacier and ate chocolate popcorn. chased by a goat. i am unbelievably sunburned. and french people still suck dick.

and when i get home, and am able to upload pictures, i shall make an extremely important blog post. there is a new member of the awesome room gentlemen, and he is smokable. And he is fucking smokable.

is scott dead?


  1. can we know now who that new addition is? Im really intrigued and anxious to know. Also, what do you mean by smokable? Like a smokeshow and we can tap that ass any day or like he will smoke with us? Or can we just light him on fire and smoke him and get high? Fuck im confused.

  2. I finally found an apartment so Melina and Ellen's couch is unoccupied. I say you should do it. Scott, them and I all live a few blocks away.

    LA is a driving town so depending on what you want to do while your here you may need to be driven. But I think you'll get by skating to most places.

    I agree with Adrian, I think its a vape.

    Also, to add my own cryptic message: Scott and I pulled some Willy Wonka shit last night that I don't think I should write about in detail but you will all hear about eventually.

  3. fuck cryptic messages. I'm so bad at figuring them out and I want to know so fucking bad.

  4. here's some crypticisms:

    Me+Humbaba+Taco Bell's 2 dollar meal deal+free movie=Happy

    also, driving post-humbaba at sunset while listening to the song 'Pet Sounds'=Super Happy

    in conclusion, i better be right about this new smokeable member.

  5. Me+8Beers+2Bowls=Scott bringing me water (at least that what he said happened)

    Not cryptic but I wanted to add it.
