Friday, September 11, 2015

I Still Love This Blog

It's late, my mind is being very anxious and impatient. I need something to settle me down, something to ground me back to myself and the people around me. Its past 1am and no one is up; where am I supposed to go? The blog.

Even though all local and statewide projections say this is going to be the slowest blogging year in the history of human records of this blog, I know that blogmate change is a hoax! I still think this blog is amazing! This year of blogging has mainly been dominated by mushroom trips and who doesn't love that? I know the reason the blog has been so inactive is because we all see each other a lot.

Thats all well and good but I do long for the old days. I long to have an amazing adventure and then have the automatic thought "I've got to blog this". I miss documenting our changes and the stories of our lives as they unfold. Whether we are together or not I think we all miss out on something when we don't have a health blog and that is the opportunity to go back and see who we were as individuals and friends at any given time. I can't tell you how valuable that is to me.

Maybe our lives are moving too fast to document. If that's the case I think we need the blog now more than ever. With things changing as fast as they are I don't want to loose track of who I am as an individual or as a friend.

I check the blog every day. Just seeing that drawing in the background makes me feel better. Anyway, I just felt I had to say this. I love this blog and I miss it.


  1. Also, when I posted this I notices multiple drafts of old posts that never made it. Not to creep or anything but I read some of them and they were amazing. Don't let your post die in postgatory.

    1. ust looked to see what drafts were in there, I think that last one I left as an unpublished Easter egg on purpose. Also this bullshit app won't let me add the J at the beginning of this comment. So this doesn't count against my perfect blog spelling record
