Tuesday, December 18, 2012

Work (An ongoing struggle with authority)

Today I did inventory at the stage.

Third semester in a row. Shit is terrible.

Lifting, cleaning, reorganizing. Bullshit.

But bullshit = $$$

So, being the wiseass leader I am, I talk back to my bosses and make suggestion while also being self deprecating to show humility.

One of my bosses (the female one who shall go unnamed in case she reads this somehow) was being a bitch, per usual. I, being pragmatic and logical, suggested pure logical suggestions in order to make inventory easier and better.

Yes, I talked back, and yes, I despise her. But I did not break No Douche 2012.

I just got back from drinking with John and received an email saying that while I was a great help and it is appreciated, I am not needed for the rest of the week.

That's the nicest and meanest Fuck You I've ever gotten.

More on this tomorrow.

1 comment:

  1. congratulations on getting a day off from work.
    ah, the blog cycle phenomenon:
