Monday, December 24, 2012

Christmas insomnia

Sitting on the couch
Chillin by myself
Should I smoke weed
Or do something else?
Watching Home Movies
Laughin at the coach
Got no one to talk to
I guess I'll roll a roach
Wishing that my bros
Were here by my side
When I said what I was doing
I actually lied
Im really here in bed
Just trying to fall asleep
And sometimes writing rhymes
Will let me get a peep
I hope I slumber soon
And dream as light as snow
Because to be quite honest
This poem has n'where to go
It's two o'clock am
I took a nap at seven
Now I won't wake up
Til quarter of eleven
Tomorrow I'll be groggy
Opening my presents
I'm twenty one years old
Why the fuck do my parents still get me presents?

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