So I went to this micro brewery next to an old windmill, apparently the only one in this area of four to survive. The tour was okay but the beer was good and strong. I liked it a lot. So one hour after the tour I go outside to leave. Torrential rain. 39 degrees.
Now, let me back track. The brewery is way on the east side of town. I am staying way on the west side of town. That gives me a good hour to bike. I have not eaten all day so food is paramount. I ask a bar tender and he tells me to go to a Surinamese restaurant named Kam Yim.
So I head off with all the drunk power Holland's organic micro brew can muster. The rain instantly soaks me to the bone. I punch my bike into 3rd gear (there are only three), the speed picks up on the hills and it shakes so much it feels like the wheels are trying to escape the rest of my bike. I'm skid stopping inches from pissed off cars and passing sad blonde girls on pink bikes. I'm so in the zone I'm ignoring all traffic signs and going with the flow.
I stop to check my map and see I'm close to my destination. I find an open bike spot and park. My first thought as i walk away is "where the fuck did I put my bike". I keep going and quickly find the restaurant (what I actually found was a Chinese restaurant called Nam Kee not Kam Yim). I go in and order as I was advised in the bar. The waitress brings me a bowl of chicken, potatoes and string beans covered with a large tortilla. However I ended up eating this it was going to be an invention of necessity, it got ugly. Two women with a little kid get sat at the same table as me. The judgement is inevitable.
I brave back into the rain. I wander around for twenty min or so with no belief that i would find it. By shear miracle I find my red rented bike in the midst of all the local ones. I speed home with unfounded confidence. In no time at all I made it back and decided to write this story.
Now, I'm not totally sure this story is blog worthy. I will title it accordingly but if you do read the full story let me know if I've been writing way too much. This traveling alone shit has got me itching for human interaction so I've been blogging a lot. i might be over saturating it so let me know. Peace.
these are great, keep 'em coming.