Started my day with the Anne Frank House. Afterwards I was a little spent. So I decided to get on a canal boat and head to the art museum part of town, I was determined to get all the culture seen in one day. I ate a muffin.
By the time I got there I was a 1. So for me entering the modern art museum was like going into a weird ikea. I continued on and started to notice a particular painting, it was really creepy it was like it was looking at me. 2.
Then I approached a thirty foot tall by ninety foot wide wall with zigzag colors up and down the whole thing. I started to laugh and found it particularly difficult to stop.
3. Then there was the plad (4-
5) and a boat full of dicks (6-7).
Finally there was a three dimensional collage... It was a recreation of a bar in LA. You had to walk inside alone. They made you put all of your belongings outside the bar. Inside the bar all the patrons had clocks for faces. And they were all looking at you. Lost my shit.
8-8.75. Retreated to the cafe for hot chocolate, decides to write this post while sitting and eating my second muffin.
muffins, eh? this place looks fucking crazy and i want to go. you should make the pic of you in front of the plaid your profile pic or something.