Monday, December 29, 2014



2014 has been over for a while for me. I gave up on it a few months ago. I decided not a whole lot could change in a short amount of time and set yet another reset date for January 1st, 2015. It’s about as cliché as it gets, but hopefully this cliché gets me on the right path for 2015.

This isn’t to say 2014 was all bad. I graduated from school. I went on a trip to Yosemite. I have a job.

I’m struggling to come up with things that make 2014 stand out. Those are the obvious ones to me. There were individual moments and weekends that made this year memorable at all, but when I look back upon 2014, it’s kind of a flash.

Now, a voice in my head just yelled, “Well what about the weed?” to which I respond, “Yeah, what about the weed?” Everyday, pretty much. Everyday I smoked. Sometimes I smoked 24/7. Sometimes I took breaks. Sometimes I forgot to take breaks. And some might say it’s unhealthy. And I’d say, the conclusion I’ve come to is that I need to live by a creed I once had about weed: only on weekends. And special events. But I fell into a pothead lifestyle having surrounded myself in its sheath for the past year. And now I see what I need to do.

You see, I thought that weed, being the mind-expanding drug I know it to be and have embraced as such, would help me be more present. And in many instances it made me experience things more vividly, or so I tell myself. And as I sit here smoking a joint, after spending the night smoking a bong and the afternoon on the same joint, I know now and can see that weed is fun. Weed is great. Weed isn’t needed all the time and if I need it just to be mindful and present, then I’ve got a bigger problem on my hand than a smoking habit.

So 2015 is going to be a new year to add to the books. And 2014 is there too. But I use this to make myself better. I’m going to be the me I wanna be and goddamnit the only person that can stop me is myself. So, as I have done in years past, I declare 2015: BETTER ME 2015.

I want to make more things. I want to read more books. I want to go to more comedy shows. I want to start doing stand up. I want to be more committed to my friends. I want to be more committed to my family. I want to be more committed to Martial Arts, to Photography, to writing, to shooting, to making, to doing. I want to be more committed to myself.

I am going to be a better me.

And I hope I mean it this time.

And one of my biggest regrets is not hanging with you bros enough. See, my hope is that with weed cut down to mostly weekends, I will drive out to see you guys more often. I miss you guys in my life. Its been lonely over here and its all my fault. Its gonna happen, so get ready.

See you guys in 2015. Let’s start killing it.

Monday, December 22, 2014

Monday Mansion Mania

Tonight I'm sleeping in what was once the waiting room for a private, low-profile plastic surgeon. He is no longer in a physical life-state in this dimension, but his wife lives on.  One of her daughters married a man with a couple sons, and one of those sons is a best friend of mine, so here I am.  The daughter always used to be creeped out by the knife held in the hand of the man in the painting pictured above.  Don't worry about finding the knife in the picture though, because after years of being afraid of this knife, one day the daughter looked at the painting and the knife had just disappeared, leaving behind a blank, brown spot that looks like nothing, just above the subject's right hand. Not even close to resembling a knife. Another time more recently, a visitor had trouble sleeping, as he was repeatedly woken by the cries of a small child throughout the night. Nothing too crazy though, my friend Mary had started house-sitting around that time, so it was probably just her kid. Mmm yes. Did I tell you guys about Mary's kid? I didn't, did I?  Yeah, it probably slipped my mind because Mary doesn't have a kid and there was no goddamb child in the house that night.

The sun rises in 6 hours.

That's just 360 minutes.

If I breathe 20 times a minute, why, that's just 7200 breaths.



Imma be good you guys.  Merry Christmas god bless you tell everyone I love them I'm sorry for all my wrongdoing please heaven forgive my sins and a happy new year!!

Sunday, December 21, 2014

Monday Morning Mindfun

"Stay Curious"

...or if that bores you...

"Save the crap for the troops; What's the whammy?"

Saturday, December 20, 2014

Saturday morning dream thread

Sasquatch horror movie. 
Instead of watching the movie, in this dream universe you live the experience. We chose a Sasquatch flick. I was tired though so I fell asleep pretty fast, and woke up to find myself in one of Sasquatch's death traps, pretty much had me tied to the bed until he wanted to eat me or whatever. Thought that was unfortunate but that's what I get for doing the horror movie thing while sleepy. Fall back asleep since there's nothing I can do, wake up to find the movie's been ended. Asked my mom what happened and she said that Sasquatch was raping her, which she thought was a little inappropriate so she turned it off.
