Sunday, July 8, 2012

My Friends

So I haven't blogged in a while and I thought that a couple of things that happened to me this week were blog worthy...

My friends from back home came up on Tuesday to stay for a couple of nights including the 4th of july. These friends are a little bit, I guess you can say, more bro(e) than us but they are funny, and cool fucks. Also they have a lot of money and they deal with grandma.

But whatever, so they got here Tuesday night and as soon as they got here we started drinking. They brought up two handles of gin and then juice. I had already had a beer and a half and my friend made me one of those gin and juice drinks. I tasted it, it was pretty great. It was basically orange juice. I took a couple of more sips, some time goes by, and I started feeling a little nauseous. Now keep in mind that I have thrown up once in the last 12 years so I'm not really sure what it feels like. I decide to go into my room to just take a breather and chill for a second but next thing you know I'm throwing up. FUCK! I just threw up on my rug and a little bit of my friend's laudnry basket which had all of his clothes. I immediately start cleaning up and shit while I start thinking about how im going to tell my friends that I threw up after one beer and a little bit of gin and juice and to tell them that one of the kids clothes was fucked because i puked on it.

A couple of minutes go by and I'm finally able to get their attention to make an announcement. The floor falls silent (just like when I'm in the senate) and i start, of course, with a list.

"First- the gin and juice are not working for me" I said. It got a couple of weird looks.
I kept going "Second- I legit just threw up two minutes ago" Now they start laughing
I try to get their attention again because the worst is yet to come. THey also didn't really believe me.
"Third. I don't know who but one of you is fucked. Whose laundry basket is in my room?"
Rosie (one of my friends, a cool dude). "The one with all the clothes in it? Don't tell me you threw up on it"
I said "Yep, sorry. It landed on only a couple of your clothes but I will wash them right away"

In the end it all turned out fine. Washed his clothes, we still went out that night and we all got drunk. They all thought it was hilarious though how I had to make a whole announcement about the event, but I just told them that I'm used to speeches and lists.

So then onto the july 4th (sorry this is so long). We were day drinking while walking through boston while carrying an 18 pack of roling rocks and brown bagging our beers. Fucking great! But then comes the night and we cant find a good bar to go to because my friend has a fake and the place we wanted to go to was fucing ridiculous with ID checking.

We go to Fenway where it turn out all the bars were closed. So we decided that we are going to walk back to the other bar (back in Boylston, definitely at least 1.5 miles away) and the kid with the fake would stay back.


Now i had heard that there was some midnight fucking that goes on in there but I just thought it was a myth. So when I was presented with the choice of cutting through or going around the park, i chose the creepy trail.

We start going down it and it immediately gets really creepy. Just no lights and couldn't see shit. But whatever what's the worst that can happen, its 5 grown men, no one is going to do anything to us. We keep on walking and then suddenly, on my peripherals, about three feet away from me, I see a white man standing there with a hat and an alien looking face. I FREAKED OUT! Why was there a guy just standing there?!?! It's the middle of the fucking part, in between high bushes and trees with NO LIGHTS!! We all start going a little bit faster and now we see more people coming in out of the high bushes like it aint no thang. WTF?! We keep going but every guy we passed made it even scarier because you only saw them when they were 2 feet away from you. So we finally get out and then our friend researches on his phone what just happened.

It turns out the fens is known for being a place where gay guys go and fuck. We went right through it, so now we dont know if the people were thinking we were there to fuck or to do some bashing because supposedly that also happens like once a year (real fucked up).

W.e. that's up to you to decide.

I hoped you enjoyed this blog and didnt take away from other more important matters. HOPE ALL YALL ARE WELL!!

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