Howdy-hoody there! What a day, what a day.
It started all breezy sweet with a mid-day nap before festivities began. I recall entering the festival at the prime hour. I mean, I was right there in the center of it all with a fine spot by the fountain and not even too cramped to be shaded out! But just as Stu and I were settling in, everything went pitch dark. Now, I know what it’s like to be at sea, far away from the lights of a city in the middle of a black storm, but never have I seen such a dark darkness.
The hour struck and terrifying screams filled the sky. Moments later, the square lit up and there were bodies… So many falling bodies. Goblins were meddling in-between the human-folk and swarms of them where coming in from all directions. Brutal creatures, Goblins are. Stu and I turned around to face them, but by no means was it a fair fight!
There were a few others holding back the Goblins, a true gang of misfits. It’s always peculiar to see what comes out of these social gatherings. I could have been mistaken, but I’m quite sure I spotted a large lizard-of-a-man spit flames. Now that was a sight to see—bushes ablaze. I only caught a glimpse, but definitely nothing seen in my family’s time. My great uncle Pearlis once spoke of ancient beasts that would spit flames, but that’s just Crazy Pearl. No one believes Old Pearlo, he’s far too jumpy to be truly trusted.
There was some commotion to get everyone to the Church Tower, but Stu got scuffed up pretty bad. I tried my best to get to him, but he really did seem lost for a moment’s time. Terrible, just terrible. Luckily for us, the city guards came in time to patch him right up! Simply spiffy! I owe that man a firm handshake. At some point during all this, a clunky-looking fellow dashed by with some words about lights and began swinging at some creatures. I didn’t catch his name.
Anywhatsits, that’s all for now. The sheriff is gathering a few folks in the morning to “discuss manners of events that transpired”, whatever that could mean. Stu is holding in. He’s sure to be feasting on cheeses in no time.
Sincerely forever yours truly,
Slyvian T.R. Pog.
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