Monday, February 10, 2014

Bohemian Rhapsody

For those who couldn't attend the epic and successful fort party, here's a taste.

Camera Work = Perfection
You're welcome.


  1. Don't really remember this moment very much. I think I was like half asleep at that point.

    Quite the achievement that I got most of the lyrics right actually.

    Also, I agree that the camera work couldn't have been any better, just spectacular.

  2. oh my god im loving this so much and its only half over

  3. wow. i wish i'd taken a video of me watching this video, because it legitimately would've been the 2nd greatest video of all time. when rich comes in i was literally jumping up and down in my seat and pumping my fists in the air. i love all of you from the bottom of my stupid heart.

  4. jesus christ on the god dan cross.
