Thursday, July 18, 2013

The last 31 Days

Obviously I've been going through a lot. I broke up with my girlfriend, I went back to camp, I started running and working out, I've been limiting my internet usage, and I made a drastic change to the way I treat my body.

I haven't masturbated in 31 days. I've had the willpower to not masturbate. It actually isn't as hard as it sounds. I think even saying what day I'm on everyday makes me proud that I have the ability to do such a thing.

I've noticed an obvious rise in irritability (naturally), but I haven't really had an urge to masturbate. I'm trying to keep this up for another 60 days and complete a 90 challenge of no masturbation. My guess is I'll keep not masturbating after it is over. I feel good. More energy, better focus, more willpower, working out, social ability upgrade. I think that this will make me less of a pussy and want to talk to women also. Y'know, I just don't need to jerk it.

How are y'all?


  1. Never made it past like 2 or 3 weeks with that. Can't even imagine how much cum you'll be cleaning off yourself in 59 days. Unless you get laid at camp. Regardless, cum...finds a way.

    1. Cum always finds a way, you cannot control it with science on this island.

  2. I legit want to be there for when you jerk off after 90 days cause that shit will be epic. Cum will be hitting the fans, walls, my face, the mirrors, the computer, it might even break through the screen and hit the pornstar. Hopefully it will be on our road trip (no homo)
