Monday, August 20, 2018

I Worked Through Some Shit, Pt 1: Beginnings

The two of us met up with our friend at the end of the line. We crossed the street and wandered down a path brimming with dense green life. Once we reached the tree garden, we veered off the main path, then veered off trail entirely, until we came upon the stone ruins of what was once the foundation of a house. We settled, and waited for all human activity on the trail still in view to pass. When the moment was as good as any, he removed some foil from a pack of gum.

I looked at tab in the foil handed to me. Expecting plain white, I was surprised by the small, intricate art. It was purple and a brownish orange, and was that a triangle with an eye in it? Too anxious to examine for much longer, I cut to the chase and put the tab in my mouth. For better or worse, the deed was done. The die were cast. I was on my way.

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