Wednesday, December 21, 2016

Arrival On The Blog

I just got home from Arrival and I had an edible and my mom and boyfriend are talking about an email so I'm gonna write a blog post.  I haven't word fucked this holy blogina in a long time, at least not with anything worth reading.  I'm not sure I have anything to say now either.  I'm sure I felt the same way about the movie as you guys did. And who the fuck wants to read about what some asshole thinks of a movie? Not me, so that's why I'm not writing that. But I feel like that's what I've been thinking about everything I used to write about in the past several months, and hence the lack of wordlove. I'll try to come up with a subject over the next few days. In the meantime if anyone has anything interesting to post I'd appreciate it, I'm so goddamn bored with the internet right now. I love you guys and I say we gangbang this blog all kindsa pregnant with blog posts, even if we know the blog is gonna die.

Peace among worlds.

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