Wednesday, December 16, 2015

Medibletations: The Cheese Grater Perspective

We both approach life from either side of two cheese graters. From behind yours, you think and function and exist. But for me to see any trace of what's going on back there, you have to jam your thought through a cheese grater. Then it will exist in a scattered and partial form in the space between our graters. The form is called Language. I imagine spoken word, body language, and art all floating in this no mans land. It is then up to me to decode as much of this language as I can by gathering as much as can get through my cheese grater. From there, I will get something comparable to the dinosaur DNA they had in Jurassic Park. Like those engineers, I then fill in the blank spots with things I already understand from my own database of past knowledge, and end up piecing together a projection of what you actually are.