Friday, June 15, 2012

I just took a really smelly shit at work

Smelled like old dirt had been sitting in my intestines for eight years. Hope nobody here uses the mens room for the next few days.

Tuesday, June 12, 2012

In Case of Emergency

Just in case the world goes to shit, I would like to suggest that we use this as a hub of awesomeness in the end of days. Just in case a Zombie Apocalypse occurs or any other such disaster, we should check in here just to make sure everyone is alright. It's not the Apocalypse yet right? Because no one posts here anymore. Am I the only one left? Dear God, what has the world come to?

Friday, June 1, 2012

A Blog Post

Days there were 
in times now past, 
blog posts for 
the fuckers cast. 

Fuckers here 
and fuckers far, 
and sometimes blogs 
were up to par. 

'Fore those times 
of fuckers' posts, 
things weren't seen 
like they were ghosts. 

Things untold 
and never read, 
and never heard 
I shat my bed. 

What was that? 
Oh, nevermind, 
no shit hit bed 
from my behind. 

So please forget 
the words i wrote, 
do not say, 
and do not quote.

Instead just post 
another blog, 
to cover this 
like under fog.